
“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.” ― C. S. Lewis

On April 9, 2019 tyrants in New York City declared a state of emergency and ordered free people to be injected or face fines. I do not use the term “tyranny” lightly.

The decree issued on this date made it a crime to simply live. By this order, citizens must receive an injection to lawfully live in their community. To coerce free people against their will is tyranny.



“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” – H. L. Mencken

The case for this tyranny is justified by lies. The hysteria and danger posed by measles is irrational, as history shows. The fundamental claim that the MMR vaccine is safe is scientifically false.

Unlike other approved drugs, the MMR testing did not use a double blind placebo control during clinical trials. Astoundingly, all of the childhood vaccines have been allowed to skip this step.

This means that safety of the MMR is not known to the degree that all other approved drugs require. Specifically, the MMR clinical studies do not reveal: (1) unbiased adverse reaction results and (2) causation of reported reactions. This is a gaping hole in the safety profile of the MMR vaccine!


Ignoring this and many other deficiencies with regards to safety testing, the commissioner appeals to her “expert” status as a pediatrician, while making blanket statements that the MMR is safe. Only offering claims and expecting trust because she was once a pediatrician.


Further, like all tyrants, she feels the need to dehumanize the opposition. There are many legitimate questions raised by the opposition which if heard would disrupt the false sense of security created by unfounded proclamations of an “expert”.


Of course, the Commissioner refuses to address the following:

  1. Do the “anti-vaxxers” generally have personal experiences with vaccine injury because they too were once “pro-vaxxers” and followed the advice of their pediatrician to their child’s detriment? Would that not make them “ex-vaxxers”? Is that term too revealing of truth?
  2. Do these “ex-vaxxers” point out that the MMR is not double blind placebo control (DBPC) tested during clinical trials like all other approved drugs require? Do they point out that the DBPC is the gold standard of safety testing and childhood vaccines skipped that step?
  3. Do these “ex-vaxxers” point people to the VAERS system where they can review reported vaccine injuries on their own? Do the tell people that last year alone 60k+ vaccine injuries were reported and 400+ vaccine related deaths?
  4. Do these “ex-vaxxers” ask people to consider the dramatic rise in Autism from 1 in 10,000 to the current 1 in 45? Do they point out how double blind placebo control (DBPC) testing doesn’t exist for childhood vaccines? Do they point out that without DBPC then autism causation is not known.
  5. Do these “ex-vaxxers” point out that there is special court that protects Pharma from vaccine liability when they cause vaccine injuries? Do they relate the fact that $4B has been paid out to vaccine injured through this court?


“An unjust law in itself is an act of violence.” – Mahatma Gandhi

The decree demands that adults and children be vaccinated within 48 hours or face a fine of $1000 to $2000.

The bottom line: this decree makes criminals out of law-abiding citizens. 


In order to make  “living life without injection” a crime a claim must be made that doing so violates some existing law.


The decree claims that the act of “living your life without injection” is a “prohibited act”.


Once this slight of hand is accepted, then the penalties for “living life without injection” are codified in 3.11.



Of Tyrants, Lies and Decrees.

“Those who are capable of tyranny are capable of perjury to sustain it.” ― Lysander Spooner

Regardless of one’s stance on vaccines it must be apparent that forcing injections is unwise. Even if one believes that the current vaccines are extremely safe and effective then you must consider how future leaders might abuse this newfound tool. The dystopian potential of forced injections is infinite.

“A well informed citizenry is the best defense against tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson



Click to access ICAN-Reply.pdf

Click to access health-code-article3.pdf






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